Monday, November 19, 2012

Amazon Blaster Boosts Making Money On Youtube

If you are an Amazon affiliate, you have difficulties in making money on Amazon because you:
  • don't have enough time
  • cannot afford to outsource
  • don't want to waste time on SEO
The problem solving....

Mathias Vildbrad created an automation tool in making money on Amazon through Youtube - called as Amazon Blaster.

This tool helps you able to:
  • find amazon products to promote
  • scrape related images
  • create good video reviews
  • upload videos to Youtube

Step by step:
  1. Fill in your details
  2. Scrape materials
  3. Edit video
  4. Upload the video to Youtube

So now...

You can take a lot of benefits - get everything is automated, get more time and you get commission on Amazon. I hope that the software  is continually improved and developed by the creator. The PRO version is good way as an investment. To download it, please check out Amazon Blaster.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I launch this blog for reviewing products on the internet. And also journaling about special events.